移除此訊息的方法很多,可以參考How to Disable / Remove Windows 7 End of Support Notification Message的詳細明。
為必免此訊息一直出現會遭到你的使用者的抱怨,在這裡我嘗試用Windows batch command寫一段程式再將此一程式送給使用者執行,即可解決此一問題。
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移除此訊息的方法很多,可以參考How to Disable / Remove Windows 7 End of Support Notification Message的詳細明。
為必免此訊息一直出現會遭到你的使用者的抱怨,在這裡我嘗試用Windows batch command寫一段程式再將此一程式送給使用者執行,即可解決此一問題。
@echo off REM ===== Start ===== REM Create a batch script file, REM the dir&file are C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\AutoRmvEOSmsg4Win7.bat REM write "wusa /uninstall /kb:4493132" into the file for remove the Windows update. set targetDir=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup set targetFile=AutoRmvEOSmsg4Win7.bat set targetDirAndFile=%targetDir%\%targetFile% if not exist "%targetDirAndFile%" ( goto toFillOutContent ) else ( goto noFillOutContent ) :toFillOutContent ( echo @echo off echo REM The file was created by the MakeRmvEOSmsg4Win7.bat echo. echo if exist C:\Windows\System32\SipNotify.exe wusa /uninstall /kb:4493132 echo. echo REM End of file. ) > "%targetDirAndFile%" goto finalProcess :noFillOutContent goto finalProcess :finalProcess REM chcp 65001 > null if exist "%targetDirAndFile%" echo.Setup Completed, Please restart your computer later. if not exist "%targetDirAndFile%" echo.Setup Failed, Please run it in Administrator. echo.If you have any question, please contact...! pause REM ===== End =====